The Path to Digital Giving

Google and Millward Brown Digital conducted a 12-month research survey to track and analyze how donors use digital media to research organizations. The survey results revealed how online contents and advertisements impact donors as they make decisions.

#1. Donors are self-directed consumers of information, and they are likely to come across information about a cause or organization before they are reached by brand messaging. More than 1 in 3 donors spend over two weeks in researching nonprofit organizations that they are considering.

#2. Donors are using the internet to research across nonprofits for comparison. Over 70% of donors use the internet to research charitable organizations, and nearly 50% of donors visited multiple websites before donating.

#3. Digital giving is driven by an illustration of impact. More than 80% of survey respondents indicated impact as the most crucial factor when considering a nonprofit. Additionally, 75% of donors go online to research organizations in less than one week after viewing an online advertisement, and 58% of donors do the same in less than one week after seeing a direct mail advertisement.

#4. Donors are heavy consumers of email and video contents. Nearly 60% of donors donated after watching an online video and 40% of donors researched a nonprofit within 24 hours after viewing an email.

#5. Donors are also highly-engaged across mobile devices. Over 33% of donors contacted a nonprofit via their mobile devices, and 25% of donors made a mobile donation.


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